Multivers customer development

Multivers customer development

Multivers is extraordinary developers who shape sites and applications strategy with high added value for our clients in the vision of a quality, fast, ethical web, accessible and secure data.

Multivers internal project development

Multivers internal project development

Multivers challenges itself by creating its own app and E-book because at Multivers we we never stop innovating, in sharing knowledge and kindness.

Multivers resources

Multivers identifies and selects the best profiles to sustainably integrate your business. Trained and supervised by Multivers, our talents are the guarantors of quality and our seriousness.

Multivers training

Multivers offers training organizations and schools, high-level trainers in Front-end, Back-end, Android, Data and Cybersecurity.

MULTIVERS an innovative digital company

multivers angular logo
Multivers, as a web development company, was born with Pierre Nédélec, Angular Expert and Stefan Ditsch Recruitment Expert.
We are at the forefront of Angular, now essential, of which we have never finished push the limits.
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Our customers